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disallow end-of-line whitespace.

  • ⚙️ This rule is included in "stylelint-stylus/standard". (options: true)
  • 🔧 The fix option can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

📖 Rule Details

This rule require or disallow a leading zero for fractional numbers less than 1.

❓ Why Not Use stylelint Rule

The no-eol-whitespace rule correctly report errors in Stylus, but error remains with autofix.
This problem is that the core rules do not understand that can omit braces in Stylus.
The stylus/no-eol-whitespace rule understands that can omit braces in Stylus.

🔧 Options

See stylelint - no-eol-whitespace - Options.

🔍 Implementation